Explore the Art of Astro Path Working!
Working with your natural strengths as revealed in your natal chart will go a long way towards making your life easier.
An analysis of your natal chart will also expose your weaknesses and ways of self-sabotage. Correctly interpreting and utilizing the information on your chart will generate a personal reality creation plan designed to enhance your unique natural gifts and counteract your limitations.
Understanding Magick!
I use the word “magick” spelled with a “k” at the end for an important reason. This part of your astrological journey will involve some work and dedication on your part.
Magic, the word spelled in the traditional way, conjures up images of top-hats and rabbits on stage, sizzling sparklers on the fourth of July, winter’s first snowflakes, and bold wishes cast on falling stars. These are wonderful moments that warm our hearts and add delight to ordinary times.
However, “magick,” spelled with a “k,” means something entirely different. While others might differ in their interpretations, I use this spelling whenever I want to convey that intentional practices, research studies, and focused techniques may be involved.
The universe might shower us with bits of natural magic from time to time, but it’s often up to us to manifest our bigger dreams by adding some real work and directed intentions to the equation. This is where the term, “magick,” comes into play.
What Does Magick Have to do with Astrology?
If we bring the two together, in other words, combine what we learn from a natal chart with focused exercises designed to enhance our abilities to manifest our desires, we increase our chance of success tremendously. We perform magick!
This is not a one-size-fits-all kind of world. Each of us needs to feel comfortable as we pursue our endeavors in order to achieve the kind of alignment necessary for actual manifestation. When we try to copy someone else—their methods or their goals, we can become frustrated or swallowed up by waves of discouragement.
We might think we understand ourselves and our motivations. And yet, we could be missing some valuable pieces to the complex puzzles that make-up our psychological dispositions.
Environment can play a large role in determining how we approach problems and seek solutions.We might be emulating a parent or teacher out of habit. There might be better techniques available, ones more aligned to our unique nature or specific desires. Using astrology as a baseline, we can identify the best approaches for you as an individual by studying the natural and dominant influences that prevail in your life.
The Components of a Path-Working Consultation—
Your Personalized Reality Creation Project!
To share ideas about what techniques will work best for you as you dive more deeply into reality creation, it’s first necessary to analyze your natal chart.
A Natal Chart Consultation can be done separately and prior to a Path-Working Consultation, or it can be included at the time of the first Path-Working Consultation.
Whichever the case, we’ll move into greater detail with regards to the natal chart when we continue to work with it as part of your Reality Creation Project.
Studying your chart will tell us about your natural tendencies—such things as whether you respond to earth energies or whether you do best in airy environments. Do you thrive in social environments, or are secluded retreats better for your creativity?
Are you blocked by certain fears, suffering from old heartaches, or overly cautious and reluctant to try new things? We might even get a glimpse into other dimensions where unknown conditions can be causing problems or delaying your progress.
Discovering clues like this and answering these kinds of questions will help us design customized visualizations and other special exercises to help you break down blockades and re-evaluate your goals to make sure they’re aligned with your best interests.
Some assignments will be simple, such as short, daily visualizations to strengthen your manifestation abilities. Or, you may be asked to spend more time in natural surroundings to ground and recharge your batteries.
Other tasks might be more complex and proceed in a series of steps similar to those in a quest. The resources you decide to invest—including fees, energy, and time—are entirely up to you.
The Astro-Magickal Process of Reality Creation
We start the process with one consultation. We begin with a basic analysis of the natal chart, design the first few steps, and watch for results. If the program needs readjusting, we draft a new approach. We stay in touch and share ideas as the process continues.
There are no contracts or ongoing obligations involved. We proceed on a step-by-step basis. If you wish to move beyond the basics, we take it up to the next level where more commitment is required to continue. The choice is always yours to make!